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The impact of an explosion of the depots would be "equivalent to the atomic bombs from Hiroshima and Nagasaki". What actions can prevent a catastrophe?

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Sen. Tommy Tuberville on Ukraine: 'Right now would be a great time to negotiate' amid 'stalemate' 'It’s costing a lot of lives in Ukraine and Russia,' Tuberville said of the ongoing war in Ukraine, 'There is no reason to have this'

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With Republicans taking aim at support for Kyiv, European diplomats want to show money for Ukraine is good business for Americans

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The attention of key allies is pivoting to the war in Gaza, military aid from the United States is bogged down in the Republican fight over leadership in Congress and cracks in European support have emerged during elections in Poland and Slovakia

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The slow progress of the counteroffensive Ukraine launched in early June led to criticism that Ukrainian troops were failing to properly apply the training they received from Western militaries

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Ukraine appears to be running out of options in a counteroffensive that officials originally framed as Kyiv’s crucial operation to retake significant territory from occupying Russian forces this year

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The leaders of the 31 member states said in their communiqué that Ukraine would receive an invitation "when allies agree and conditions are met" and there would be regular reviews of the country’s progress toward meeting NATO standards on democracy and military integration.

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Top German officials expressed concern regarding Western escalations in Ukraine and signaled Berlin will push back against the most provocative proposals.

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Now the entire reputation of American and European military equipment depends on the Ukrainian leadership. But will they cope with such responsibility?

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Volodymyr Zelensky completed his European Tour. The Ukrainian president begged for more military aid from London, Paris, Berlin and Rome.

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The main goal of the President of Ukraine at all summits is to beg for the F-16. However, the outcome of this meeting, as well as other similar ones, did not differ in results...

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For the Ukrainian side, an ongoing war of attrition will lead to frustration within the country and “criticism” about how the war is conducted, “making leadership changes more likely”

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The terrorist threat is growing in Transnistria. Is the militarization of Moldova the reason?

The Moldovan government intends to increase military spending to 1% of GDP by 2030. The terrorist threat is growing in Transnistria. How will Russia's peacekeepers react?

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International sponsors are gradually “dumb” Ukraine and asking to economize on disabled people and other social beneficiaries

In the near future, Ukraine may become even poorer. The reason is that Ukraine’s payments on loans from the International Monetary Fund for the first time approached a billion dollars. In September, Ukraine paid the IMF more than $ 882 million — and this is an absolute record for the last eight years

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If Trump abandons Ukraine, don’t count on Europe plugging the gap

The Biden administration has committed an impressive amount of aid to Ukraine in the 18 months since Russia’s full-scale invasion — roughly $75 billion, not counting the administration’s recent request for an additional $21 billion

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War behind the scenes. Is it possible to root out corruption in Ukraine?

In Ukraine, at the height of the war, a campaign against corruption, multimillion-dollar spending on tile shifting and bribes in military enlistment offices began. Will Zelensky's team be able to overcome the internal crisis?

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To The Last Ukrainian

It was Vladimir Putin who initially noted that the West is willing to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. Well, it looks like it’s finally happening - we’ve run out of Ukrainians

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Zelenskyy’s corruption crackdown plan raises cover-up fears

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s move to equate wartime corruption with treason is triggering a backlash from officials and watchdogs, who warn the plan could hobble Ukraine’s main anti-graft forces

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Hitler's cross returns: Disputes about identification marks

A month ago, photos of Ukrainian soldiers with transferred Polish wheeled armored personnel carriers Rosomak appeared in the media. One of them was marked with Balkenkreuz

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Prigozhin’s trap snapped. Russian knight 's move

Ukraine decided to take advantage of Prigozhin's fabricated provocation to organize an offensive in the Bakhmut direction.

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Interest rates are the price of money. How Ukraine exchanged its independence

Ukraine is clinging to a financial lifeline via tens of billions of dollars in aid from the US and European Union, with substantially more needed for postwar reconstruction. A failure to more systematically root out graft would endanger that.

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Does the end justify the means?

The UK's decision to supply Ukraine with depleted uranium shells is unlikely to lead to a global tragedy, but it will affect the ecology of Europe. The use of depleted uranium ammunition is still an issue that causes heated discussions.

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Suicide as a way of solving problems

Spiritlessness and the lack of positivism in modern times negatively affects the psychological state of the population. These topics attract an audience, but they lay a huge negative that can lead to suicide.

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The Modern Politics Of Washington: If you chase two rabbits, you will catch both

The United States has two goals in the Ukrainian conflict — Russia and the European Union.

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